Bookcases, Cabinets and Shelving
You may not have a library in your home, but you might have so many books that it feels like it. If you aren't sure where to display your books, or your favorite objects, you should know that with the right bookcase, display cabinet or shelving unit, any room can be the perfect place to display those treasured books. Depending on the space you have, some bookcases are tall, others are long. As with determining the size of other types of bookcase furniture, it helps to use painters tape to block of the area where you'd like the bookshelf to go.
Bookshelf and Bookcase for Living Room
If you have a large blank wall space in an office, you might want to use two bookcases side-by-side to fill up the space and give your office a "library feel." But don't fill up every shelf with just books—that could be overwhelming. Instead, break up the book placement by using framed pictures or other well-loved pieces throughout. You can also stack the books in different directions to make the bookcases look less "heavy."
If you don't have a home office, you might want to use a bookcase in your living room or even your dining room or kitchen. In either your living room or dining room, you may want to consider a vertical bookcase, one that allows you to use the top for other things, such as a lamp, as with a sofa console table, or with a sideboard for the placement of dishes or glassware. Whichever bookcase you choose, just know that it's more than just for books. Zin Home offers a large selection of bookcases and bookshelves including metal bookcases, rustic reclaimed wood bookcases, bookcases with glass shelves and many design styles including modern, conteporary, rustic farmhouse and french country style living room shelving. Zin Home is proud to partner with brands like Four Hands Bookcases, Orient Express Furniture, Universal Furniture, Classic Home, Dovetail Furniture and more